01621 841 100 msb@msbpcl.co.uk

Powder Coated Car Parts

Perfection is our aim.
Having the best powders money can buy and applied by experienced hands by MSBPCL.

Some of our recent work….

Plasma coated topped off with a ceramic coat

Plasma coated topped off with a ceramic coat

Plasma coated topped off with a ceramic coat and includes a full two-year guarantee. Extends life of the parts coated, reduces heat radiation by up to 30%  and in some cases increases performance.

Ceramic coating headers and exhausts

Ceramic coating headers and exhausts

Looking to ceramic coat headers or exhausts, we have a range of products to cover most requirements. Our work also includes a two-year guarantee in most cases.

V Series Pistons Coated in Cerakote…

V Series Pistons Coated in Cerakote…

Cerakote V Series Piston Coat is a dark bronze/gold with a soft metallic look. It’s an oven cure ceramic thin film thermal barrier coating, designed to be applied on the top of pistons, top of valves, and the combustion chamber on a cylinder head.

Finished in ceramic thin film coating.

Although this manifold has seen better days we have extended its life and efficiency by blast cleaning and applying our plasma coat system, this will help to reduce heat radiation and offer protection from corrosion and help with metal fatigue.

Powder coating is one of the most advanced coating processes available and offers a long land durable finish.

Powder coating is a method of applying a decorative and protective finish to a wide range of materials and products.

The dry powder coating process involves electro statically charged that are sprayed onto a electrically grounded surface. The substrate is then heated and cured while the powder is baked on. The result is a uniform, durable,high-quality finish with exterior durability, Polyester powders are particularly resistant to ultra violet radiation.

There is a good Colour selection with dead mat to high gloss finishes available. A range Textured finishes and special effects  are also available.

The Powder coating process is environmentally safe with virtually no VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compound)_released during the application and curing of the powder.

Why does it need shot blasting?

In short, it removes all contaminants such as rust, old paint etc and gives a good canvas and key to start the powder or painting process,and at the same time, it normally reveals any problems such as corrosion weakness or broken weld joints. Good preparation is paramount to a good long lasting finish.

When products do not need blast cleaning  our new three stage cleaning & phosphate machine will be employed this further ensures a clean and etched surface for any powder or paint to adhere too.

Phosphating Follow the link below for further information.


How can we offer our unique  warranties.

Simple by using the correct methods and high quality materials and experienced staff along with quality plant & equipment. Please do not be fooled by some who offer a cheap job, we have seen the results and they are not pretty. It will cost you more in the long run. Do It once do it right.

We also offer Aqua and bead blast cleaning for the more gentle approach to valuable products.

Read More How is Powder Coating Done?

Various Powder Coated Car Parts by MSBPCL

Engine Parts Black Chrome

Porsche silver powder coat

Zinc metallisation coatings offer long term protection for car chassis, car panels etc…